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5 things not to do on a conference call

Conference calls can be a wonderful and deeply beneficial tool for your business, helping things run more smoothly and efficiently. They can also, however, be hugely disrupted by certain bad habits and common mistakes that many frequent users will be familiar with. To help you out, here is a list of 5 bad conference call behaviours to avoid on your next audio conference.

1. Not muting yourself when you should

The mute button is so beautifully simple, so wondrously easy to use and so woefully neglected by many. It’s there for a very good reason. If you’re conference calling from home, travelling, or even just in a bustling office, it can be a really good idea to mute yourself while you aren’t contributing to the discussion. The sounds of wailing children, barking dogs, chugging railways lines and your midday meal deal going down are not only going to interfere with the attention you pay to the call, but distract and irritate all the other participants too. Make sure you choose your environment wisely, and if it’s not possible to be in a quiet area, make good use of the mute button – it’s your friend, and everybody else’s.

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Admin5 things not to do on a conference call

What are people conference calling about right now?

Conference calls have become a huge part of many people’s lives, and are a tool of great use not only within the business world, but for many different types of people in many different walks of life. A quick look over the headlines could give a very revealing view of just how prolific the teleconference has become, and how frequently the service is being put to use.

One massive global issue which required extensive worldwide conference calling was the Greek bail out. A key conference call between Eurozone officials was able to establish a four month extension of the bail out given to the Greek government, helping avoid the risk being run of Athens simply completely running out of funds. The conference call allowed for easy and quick discussion between key figures all over Europe regarding financial reforms proposed by Greece, and ended with a huge decision which will have a phenomenal impact upon the Greek government and people. Clearly, conference calls have an immense amount of power and utility.

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AdminWhat are people conference calling about right now?

Why tutors, teachers and instructors should be conference calling

Everyone has heard about conference calls and their daily function in offices, linking up colleagues all over the world. If you think this is all conference calls are good for, however, you are sorely mistaken. Maybe you’re a private tutor or a sports trainer, and you think the teleconference has very little to do with you – think again. Conference calling offers a huge amount of benefits and opportunities for people in these fields. If you haven’t tried it out yet, why not start now? With WHYPAY? it’s completely free, and can be set up at the simple push of a button.

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AdminWhy tutors, teachers and instructors should be conference calling

Should you hold a conference call instead of your next meeting?

Conference calling is ever growing in popularity, constantly becoming easier and easier to use, and even, with some conference bridges, free. It’s really likely that you’re coming across it more and more in your working life. But every time you’re starting to plan a meeting, maybe you should ask yourself whether a conference call might be a better option.

So when is teleconferencing the right option? High up in the list of considerations should be how easy it is for everybody you need at the meeting to get there. If somebody is very far away, has young children or dependent family members, or is unwell, a conference call may be the better option. You can save participants discomfort, money and difficult planning, which will make them less resentful of the meeting and put them in a more productive mood, thus making the conference all the more successful. If people have busy schedules, it may be much easier for them to fit in a conference call from wherever they may be than to find time to travel to and from a meeting.

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AdminShould you hold a conference call instead of your next meeting?

Conference calling for the travelling professional

In our modern, globalised world, we are blessed with the chance to travel all over the planet, taking in all the different cultures, climates and landscapes it has to offer. For some lucky individuals, this opportunity is even offered within their job. If you have the good fortune to fit into this category, you should seriously consider making use of conference calling services available to you. They can be the key to solving the difficulties that being a travelling professional can entail.

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AdminConference calling for the travelling professional

Conference calls are happening everywhere – take a look

Conference calls have become one of the staple tools for businesses all over the world in all types of field. For many, they are an essential, invaluable part of running their company. From holding interviews to giving presentations to keeping team members in the loop, there is no doubt as to the utility of conference calling in the business world.

However, this is by no means all the conference call has to offer. In fact, if you look closely you will see how it is being put to use in many different walks of life. A quick browse of recent news would be enough to prove that.

The world of politics certainly sees a great deal of teleconferencing going on. The infamous selfie of David Cameron discussing the situation in Ukraine with Barack Obama is a clear indication of the huge role telecommunications play in world politics, offering a means of clear and direct communication in an emergency, without wasting time travelling overseas.

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AdminConference calls are happening everywhere – take a look

Will businesses still be conference calling in 5 to 10 years’ time?

Conference calls are currently an undeniably valuable tool to businesses. As technology develops and communication becomes more sophisticated, more and more businesses are beginning to make use of the service. With international business partnerships becoming more commonplace all the time and people’s desire for information growing constantly, conference calling has never been so relevant.

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AdminWill businesses still be conference calling in 5 to 10 years’ time?

New start-ups and conference calling – utilising free business tools

Starting a new business is an incredibly exciting, exhilarating time filled with potential and opportunity. And yet it is undeniably prone to being a very stressful time, often surrounded with great financial risks, uncertainty and pressure, particularly if there are people dependent on you. Anyone behind a new start-up knows that taking care with money is important – it is not the time to be frivolous. Therefore, what better time to put to use the free business tools on offer to you than in the early stages of a new business?

One crucial tool for any business venture is the conference call. It has the power to bring together people from all over the world to hold a clear, easy to access conversation. Clearly, when starting a new business it is an ideal way to get people on board, share your ideas with those working with you and even find employees.

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AdminNew start-ups and conference calling – utilising free business tools

Conference calling – not just for the business environment

You hear the words ‘conference calling‘ and what do you imagine? The phrase evokes a sense of professionalism, formality and efficiency. And yet, since when are multi-person conversations only considered a thing of the business world? We all have friends and relatives scattered around across towns, cities and even seas, and conference calling – particularly completely free conference calling – offers an ideal way to keep in touch.

With WHYPAY? there are absolutely no additional charges incurred by holding a conference call instead of a two-person phone call. This is because the conference call just like a normal two-person call, will be included in your bundled minutes, and if you have none available, it will simply be charged at your standard rate for landlines (01/02 number rates).

To make matters even more straightforward, there is no necessity for any kind of specialist equipment. Your WHYPAY? conference call can be accessed from standard mobile or landline phones, payphones or even services like Skype.

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AdminConference calling – not just for the business environment

Do I need any special equipment to host a conference call?

With businesses seeking to expand their market globally, keeping in touch with employees, stakeholders, and customers via teleconferencing has become the popular mode of communication. Moreover, there are several providers like WHYPAY? that offer affordable teleconferencing services where lines are available 24/7. This enables a great deal of savings on travel and other related expenses every time a crucial meeting needs to be held. Multinationals have realised the significance of teleconference services as a cost effective solution to their communication needs.

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AdminDo I need any special equipment to host a conference call?