November 2017

All posts from November 2017


Would you be better suited to working remotely?

Over four million people in the U.K. are estimated to work solely from home. This increase is due to the way we work evolving, meaning going into an office every day isn’t necessarily beneficial for every job role.

Though it may appear that it’s mainly the employees who are better off for working remotely, employers also benefit massively as they require less office space and can therefore cut costs of rent significantly. Advancing technology means it is extremely easy for workers to contact the office from wherever they may be, thus driving the rising number of people working from home.

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AdminWould you be better suited to working remotely?

Why record conference calls?

There is nothing more frustrating in a conference than trying to furiously scribble down notes faster than the speaker delivers them. Equally as frustrating is trying to decipher someone else’s hieroglyphic-like scrawls post meeting. If you want to avoid having to resort to either of these then this post is for you.

A large number of us don’t fully understand the power of using call recording until it is too late. The instant we realise that our note taking skills are abysmal, vital information is missing or something which was said has been misheard entirely are times we wish we could go back and hear all the information again.

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AdminWhy record conference calls?

How to avoid productivity-killer scenarios in meetings

Whether they are something we find enjoyable or not, meetings are an inevitable aspect of life in the business world. Thankfully, if meetings are run properly, we can come away from them feeling extremely positive and productive as they can help us collaborate as a team, save time and money and generate innovative ideas. Unfortunately however, not every business meeting accomplishes these outcomes.

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AdminHow to avoid productivity-killer scenarios in meetings

Why do some people think they can’t work remotely?

These days, it is easier than ever to get work done far from an uncomfortable office chair, labelled stapler or communal kitchen. Thanks to new technologies like Virtual Reality, as well as less recent developments like the humble telephone, we can stay in touch and on the ball pretty much around the clock, from anywhere in the world.

And yet, a lot of people continue to face the daily slog into work every single weekday morning. In fact, according to the Office of National Statistics, the amount of people who commute into an office every day comprises a huge majority of the country’s professionals, with the figure coming in at around 86%.

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AdminWhy do some people think they can’t work remotely?

Planning the perfect conference call

Conference calls are becoming a far more common occurrence for businesses today, with many executive members of staff taking part in at least one call a day. These calls can prove difficult for assistants to organise – participants are in different locations and people can accidentally dial a different number or forget the pin for the call. However arranging conference calls need not be a stressful experience, below are a few tips on how organisation can ensure the meeting runs smoothly.

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AdminPlanning the perfect conference call

Cloud contact centres

Cloud contact centres allow you to save time and money on finding the people and technology required for a call centre. Instead, your contact centre is cloud-based, meaning that people from anywhere in the world can be answering your calls at any given time, without them having to be in your office. Instead of building up your own contact centre, you can focus on your core business.

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AdminCloud contact centres

What’s the best time for marketing calls?

Telemarketing can be an extremely efficient way to increase sales, but it is a method that comes with a whole host of its own, specific challenges. Unlike with things like print ads, generally emails, and even text messages, timing is absolutely crucial. With other techniques, people can come to your content as and when they are looking for it: when they open a newspaper, switch on the TV or the radio, scroll through their Twitter feeds, or check their phones. But when you’re placing a phone call, you have to have some level of confidence that there will be somebody at the other end of the line with the ability, willingness, and time to answer the phone and have a conversation at that moment. Telemarketing also comes with its own laws, and businesses who choose to ignore or flout these regulations put themselves at risk of incurring fines of £500,000 from Ofcom and the Information Commissioner’s Office, telemarketing’s regulating bodies. Make sure you know the telemarketing rules, and avoid fines.

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AdminWhat’s the best time for marketing calls?