business meetings

All posts tagged business meetings


Best free meeting locations

For anyone who does a fair bit of remote working as part of a flexible working routine, or because they travel a fair bit, the value of free meeting locations will be immediately apparent. And people who fit into that category is ever growing: with working life being revolutionised, particularly thanks to remote working becoming an increasingly realistic option, you might not have such a fixed idea of where your ‘place of work’ is these days.

But although you get tonnes done from the comfort of your sofa, there might also be times when you need to cast a slightly more professional aura. That’s why having a list of meeting locations is always a good idea.

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AdminBest free meeting locations

Have your cake and meeting

At WHYPAY? we are firm believers in balance. Taking a holistic approach over black-and-white thinking seems to lead to the best results, and a little bit of anything in moderation is good. That’s why we endorse a flexible work schedule which combines remote working with face to face meetings, fuelled with a few morale-boosting eats and treats. From tasty vegan lemon drizzle cake at Tibits to a hearty lunch at Pret a Manger, we don’t shy away from eating while we work. And with the savings you’d make from using WHYPAY? for genuinely free conference calling, you can afford that extra slice of cake and a refilled mug.

Is remote working the right choice?

Before diving into advice on how (and where) to work remotely, it’s worth taking a look over some background information to help you decide whether it’s right for you and your place of work.

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AdminHave your cake and meeting

London Calling

If one hackneyed (sorry) punk rock reference wasn’t enough, this week we’re Going Underground. WHYPAY? is making a name for itself in the Old Smoke, helping all you notoriously busy Londoners to save some Mony Mony.

If you happen to be amongst the 1.37 billion people who are estimated to use the London underground, don’t ride the Train in Vain, keep your eyes peeled for our big red posters posing the same question upon which WHYPAY? was founded: why pay for telephone conference calls? When we offer the very same thing without asking you to spend a penny, there really is no sense in forking over your hard-earned money to ours competitors. It’s time to say Bye Bye Bad Man (and woman) and let them know you Won’t Get Fooled Again.

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AdminLondon Calling

Buzzing about WHYPAY? – BIBBA: A case study

BIBBA is the Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders’ Association first founded over half a century ago in 1964, under the title of the Village Bee Breeders’ Association. Few remain among us who are unaware of bees’ importance to the environment, and more specifically, have not heard of the planets’ imperative need to protect its bees. It’s therefore pretty clear that BIBBA’s work is crucial, and anything that can help its members to work and communicate cohesively is really valuable not just for BIBBA, not just for bees, but for the well-being of the world – if we do say so ourselves. After looking at how NAMDET put WHYPAY? to such great use, we talked to Nick Mawby of BIBBA to hear how teleconferencing helped them.

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AdminBuzzing about WHYPAY? – BIBBA: A case study

How to be a good employer to remote staff

We’ve all heard the mythical stories about companies which have gone beyond strewing around a few bean bags to becoming ginormous, open-plan professional spaces with free food around the clock, puppy pens, gyms and beds for employees to nap in whenever they get sleepy. But of course, these things are not right, or even possible, for a lot of work places. So what is it that can make you a great employer in a slightly more conventional work place?

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AdminHow to be a good employer to remote staff

NAMDET: A case study

The National Association of Medical Device Training, or NAMDET, is an organisation which carries out the invaluable work of ensuring that healthcare professionals are fully trained to use all kinds of specialist equipment in their work to look after people’s health. In this capacity, the organisation is crucial to ensuring the safety and care of patients across the country and spanning different medical fields. Because of the sheer spread of their reach, the large and varied membership (from medical engineers to risk and governance managers and nursing staff to operating department practitioners), as well as the instructive nature of their work, there’s no doubt that to the people at NAMDET, good communication is key.

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AdminNAMDET: A case study

Is working from home the future?

Could working from home be a given in years to come? The rate of technological development in the previous few years feels head-spinningly unprecedented, and is expected to continue in leaps and bounds. While for a lot of us, the advent of driverless cars (here appropriately showcased using another significant area of development: Virtual Reality, with a 360 degree video) take us back to giddy childhood dreams, there are some much more immediate and practical benefits remoulding the way we live – and specifically, the way we work.

Is there any need to change?

You’ve probably been hearing for a while that in many industries, the way we work is changing. There are lots of different reasons for this, not least of all a growing concern with how over-work is impacting upon our physical and mental health and the importance of being able to balance our professional and personal lives. This seems to be a particularly tricky area for us dedicated Brits, who have been found to be putting in more hours at the office than any of our European counterparts.

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AdminIs working from home the future?

Would you be better suited to working remotely?

Over four million people in the U.K. are estimated to work solely from home. This increase is due to the way we work evolving, meaning going into an office every day isn’t necessarily beneficial for every job role.

Though it may appear that it’s mainly the employees who are better off for working remotely, employers also benefit massively as they require less office space and can therefore cut costs of rent significantly. Advancing technology means it is extremely easy for workers to contact the office from wherever they may be, thus driving the rising number of people working from home.

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AdminWould you be better suited to working remotely?

Why record conference calls?

There is nothing more frustrating in a conference than trying to furiously scribble down notes faster than the speaker delivers them. Equally as frustrating is trying to decipher someone else’s hieroglyphic-like scrawls post meeting. If you want to avoid having to resort to either of these then this post is for you.

A large number of us don’t fully understand the power of using call recording until it is too late. The instant we realise that our note taking skills are abysmal, vital information is missing or something which was said has been misheard entirely are times we wish we could go back and hear all the information again.

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AdminWhy record conference calls?

Planning the perfect conference call

Conference calls are becoming a far more common occurrence for businesses today, with many executive members of staff taking part in at least one call a day. These calls can prove difficult for assistants to organise – participants are in different locations and people can accidentally dial a different number or forget the pin for the call. However arranging conference calls need not be a stressful experience, below are a few tips on how organisation can ensure the meeting runs smoothly.

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AdminPlanning the perfect conference call