remote work

All posts tagged remote work


Conference calls for charities and non-profits: A vital tool

For any organisation to run smoothly and successfully, collaboration is crucial. And the key to collaboration is communication. If you’re working for a charity or non-profit, you know how important teamwork is to getting anything done, and if some people aren’t sure of what’s going on, or what’s expected of them, chaos tends to ensue. Without maintaining open and easy communication, you’re in for a stressful, frustrating and unproductive ride. But with more and more people embracing flexible and remote work, it’s not always as simple as tapping somebody on the shoulder or having an impromptu meeting. That’s why conference calls for charities are an invaluable tool which the sector should ensure is part of their day-to-day running.

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AdminConference calls for charities and non-profits: A vital tool

Embracing technology in the charity sector – adapt and flourish

There’s no getting around the fact that we’re living in a digital age. No sector or organisation is excepted, and none can afford to ignore modern developments. Yet sadly, one field where technology stands to make a world of difference is struggling to keep up: there is an unfortunate lack of technology in the charity sector. Non-profit organisations appear to have a difficult time adopting and implementing new technologies, even though they (and the causes they help) could gain so much.

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AdminEmbracing technology in the charity sector – adapt and flourish

The complete guide to successful business meetings

Holding meetings is part and parcel of professional life. In almost every industry, there is some element of collaboration, and good communication is an essential pillar of teamwork. While there are lots of business communication tools to keep your team connected, meetings will always be a crucial aspect of business. And yet, though meetings are really the bread and butter of our working lives, they often fill us with dread. They can feel dull, unproductive, time-consuming, and sometimes even hostile.

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AdminThe complete guide to successful business meetings

Free group phone calls: how to make them and their many uses

Group phone calls are an incredibly powerful and wonderfully simple tool. It’s partly this simplicity which makes them the ideal method of communication for many! Consider the importance of collaboration for success. It’s hardly surprising that a communication tool which brings more people into the conversation should be so popular in all different kinds of fields. In fact, the amount of uses for group phone calls is almost overwhelming. How often do we find ourselves wanting to talk to more than one person at a time, in all areas of our lives?

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AdminFree group phone calls: how to make them and their many uses

Best free meeting locations

For anyone who does a fair bit of remote working as part of a flexible working routine, or because they travel a fair bit, the value of free meeting locations will be immediately apparent. And people who fit into that category is ever growing: with working life being revolutionised, particularly thanks to remote working becoming an increasingly realistic option, you might not have such a fixed idea of where your ‘place of work’ is these days.

But although you get tonnes done from the comfort of your sofa, there might also be times when you need to cast a slightly more professional aura. That’s why having a list of meeting locations is always a good idea.

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AdminBest free meeting locations

Have your cake and meeting

At WHYPAY? we are firm believers in balance. Taking a holistic approach over black-and-white thinking seems to lead to the best results, and a little bit of anything in moderation is good. That’s why we endorse a flexible work schedule which combines remote working with face to face meetings, fuelled with a few morale-boosting eats and treats. From tasty vegan lemon drizzle cake at Tibits to a hearty lunch at Pret a Manger, we don’t shy away from eating while we work. And with the savings you’d make from using WHYPAY? for genuinely free conference calling, you can afford that extra slice of cake and a refilled mug.

Is remote working the right choice?

Before diving into advice on how (and where) to work remotely, it’s worth taking a look over some background information to help you decide whether it’s right for you and your place of work.

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AdminHave your cake and meeting

How to be a good employer to remote staff

We’ve all heard the mythical stories about companies which have gone beyond strewing around a few bean bags to becoming ginormous, open-plan professional spaces with free food around the clock, puppy pens, gyms and beds for employees to nap in whenever they get sleepy. But of course, these things are not right, or even possible, for a lot of work places. So what is it that can make you a great employer in a slightly more conventional work place?

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AdminHow to be a good employer to remote staff

Is working from home the future?

Could working from home be a given in years to come? The rate of technological development in the previous few years feels head-spinningly unprecedented, and is expected to continue in leaps and bounds. While for a lot of us, the advent of driverless cars (here appropriately showcased using another significant area of development: Virtual Reality, with a 360 degree video) take us back to giddy childhood dreams, there are some much more immediate and practical benefits remoulding the way we live – and specifically, the way we work.

Is there any need to change?

You’ve probably been hearing for a while that in many industries, the way we work is changing. There are lots of different reasons for this, not least of all a growing concern with how over-work is impacting upon our physical and mental health and the importance of being able to balance our professional and personal lives. This seems to be a particularly tricky area for us dedicated Brits, who have been found to be putting in more hours at the office than any of our European counterparts.

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AdminIs working from home the future?

Balancing work and leisure during the festive period

The season is upon us once again when every weekend is filled with reunions, parties and dinners. You’re seeing old friends and getting all the family back together again, maybe for the first time since the last holiday period.

Hopefully, you’ve managed to keep in touch , but we all know that striking a healthy balance between your commitment to your work and the time dedicated to your family is always a tricky area.

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AdminBalancing work and leisure during the festive period

Why do some people think they can’t work remotely?

These days, it is easier than ever to get work done far from an uncomfortable office chair, labelled stapler or communal kitchen. Thanks to new technologies like Virtual Reality, as well as less recent developments like the humble telephone, we can stay in touch and on the ball pretty much around the clock, from anywhere in the world.

And yet, a lot of people continue to face the daily slog into work every single weekday morning. In fact, according to the Office of National Statistics, the amount of people who commute into an office every day comprises a huge majority of the country’s professionals, with the figure coming in at around 86%.

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AdminWhy do some people think they can’t work remotely?