business communication

All posts tagged business communication


Does customer service really count?


In today’s fast-paced, rough and ready world, do we still care about how we treat one another? Do feelings have any place in the professional world, or should we be shifting our attentions and budgets away from customer services in favour of delivering quantifiable results?

It’s understandable that some companies might consider the latter the most logical approach. Wouldn’t people prefer to quickly receive the product or service than be treated courteously while they wait? Actually, no. And this is a mistake which can have seriously damaging results.

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AdminDoes customer service really count?

How to be a good employer to remote staff

We’ve all heard the mythical stories about companies which have gone beyond strewing around a few bean bags to becoming ginormous, open-plan professional spaces with free food around the clock, puppy pens, gyms and beds for employees to nap in whenever they get sleepy. But of course, these things are not right, or even possible, for a lot of work places. So what is it that can make you a great employer in a slightly more conventional work place?

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AdminHow to be a good employer to remote staff

NAMDET: A case study

The National Association of Medical Device Training, or NAMDET, is an organisation which carries out the invaluable work of ensuring that healthcare professionals are fully trained to use all kinds of specialist equipment in their work to look after people’s health. In this capacity, the organisation is crucial to ensuring the safety and care of patients across the country and spanning different medical fields. Because of the sheer spread of their reach, the large and varied membership (from medical engineers to risk and governance managers and nursing staff to operating department practitioners), as well as the instructive nature of their work, there’s no doubt that to the people at NAMDET, good communication is key.

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AdminNAMDET: A case study

Is working from home the future?

Could working from home be a given in years to come? The rate of technological development in the previous few years feels head-spinningly unprecedented, and is expected to continue in leaps and bounds. While for a lot of us, the advent of driverless cars (here appropriately showcased using another significant area of development: Virtual Reality, with a 360 degree video) take us back to giddy childhood dreams, there are some much more immediate and practical benefits remoulding the way we live – and specifically, the way we work.

Is there any need to change?

You’ve probably been hearing for a while that in many industries, the way we work is changing. There are lots of different reasons for this, not least of all a growing concern with how over-work is impacting upon our physical and mental health and the importance of being able to balance our professional and personal lives. This seems to be a particularly tricky area for us dedicated Brits, who have been found to be putting in more hours at the office than any of our European counterparts.

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AdminIs working from home the future?

Teleconferencing and… medicine?

There is a very high chance that conference calling has become a part of your everyday professional life. This isn’t some sort of sweeping generalisation or narrow-minded view in which everybody works in a 9 to 5 office job.

In fact, teleconferencing has thrived across almost innumerable fields, proving itself useful to tutors and teachers – it was even the starting point of the phenomenon of Dr. Tyler DeWitt’s YouTube channel and the educational revolution to which it is contributing.

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AdminTeleconferencing and… medicine?

Balancing work and leisure during the festive period

The season is upon us once again when every weekend is filled with reunions, parties and dinners. You’re seeing old friends and getting all the family back together again, maybe for the first time since the last holiday period.

Hopefully, you’ve managed to keep in touch , but we all know that striking a healthy balance between your commitment to your work and the time dedicated to your family is always a tricky area.

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AdminBalancing work and leisure during the festive period

How to avoid productivity-killer scenarios in meetings

Whether they are something we find enjoyable or not, meetings are an inevitable aspect of life in the business world. Thankfully, if meetings are run properly, we can come away from them feeling extremely positive and productive as they can help us collaborate as a team, save time and money and generate innovative ideas. Unfortunately however, not every business meeting accomplishes these outcomes.

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AdminHow to avoid productivity-killer scenarios in meetings

Why do some people think they can’t work remotely?

These days, it is easier than ever to get work done far from an uncomfortable office chair, labelled stapler or communal kitchen. Thanks to new technologies like Virtual Reality, as well as less recent developments like the humble telephone, we can stay in touch and on the ball pretty much around the clock, from anywhere in the world.

And yet, a lot of people continue to face the daily slog into work every single weekday morning. In fact, according to the Office of National Statistics, the amount of people who commute into an office every day comprises a huge majority of the country’s professionals, with the figure coming in at around 86%.

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AdminWhy do some people think they can’t work remotely?

Cloud contact centres

Cloud contact centres allow you to save time and money on finding the people and technology required for a call centre. Instead, your contact centre is cloud-based, meaning that people from anywhere in the world can be answering your calls at any given time, without them having to be in your office. Instead of building up your own contact centre, you can focus on your core business.

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AdminCloud contact centres

What’s the best time for marketing calls?

Telemarketing can be an extremely efficient way to increase sales, but it is a method that comes with a whole host of its own, specific challenges. Unlike with things like print ads, generally emails, and even text messages, timing is absolutely crucial. With other techniques, people can come to your content as and when they are looking for it: when they open a newspaper, switch on the TV or the radio, scroll through their Twitter feeds, or check their phones. But when you’re placing a phone call, you have to have some level of confidence that there will be somebody at the other end of the line with the ability, willingness, and time to answer the phone and have a conversation at that moment. Telemarketing also comes with its own laws, and businesses who choose to ignore or flout these regulations put themselves at risk of incurring fines of £500,000 from Ofcom and the Information Commissioner’s Office, telemarketing’s regulating bodies. Make sure you know the telemarketing rules, and avoid fines.

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AdminWhat’s the best time for marketing calls?