After the festive period, you might have had a few too many mince pies, and seen more questionable jumpers than you care to recall, but one thing you can never have too much of is family time. For many, who could do with learning a few tricks to take care of themselves as well as everyone else, the holidays become such a stressful period that family time is not quality time, and you’re left feeling like you barely got to have a real conversation with anybody. And even if you did, once or twice a year is not enough! You need to hear about how your uncle got on with that book, how your cousin’s trip across Europe was, whether your young nephew got the role in the school play.
Read more »How Can Conference Calls Be Free?
Who is paying for your free conference calls?
Admin 11th December 2016A lot of people’s immediate reaction to being offered something for free is disbelieving skepticism. The assumption is that there must be a catch, a condition, a hidden cost. Sometimes, these sage cynics are right; a lot of conference call services claiming to be free do end up costing you money. Sometimes it’s in sign-up fees, sometimes they charge you for what they term ‘extras’, but which they know are almost always essentials, and sometimes it’s only free if you have a very small number of participants or a very small number of minutes. Wherever the charges are hidden, it’s causing a lot of confusion and mistrust in an industry which is trying desperately to clean up its image.
Read more »WHYPAY? infrastructure – an interview with two techy, savvy professionals to explain stuff to laypeople like you and me
Admin 28th September 2016Trying to fully understand the workings and benefits of any technologically-based service can be tricky if you have no real involvement in the industry, as professionals consider so much knowledge a given. That’s why here, we try to break things down a little more, so that you can understand exactly what WHYPAY? is offering, whether it’s suitable for you, and why it’s so great. Kindly sharing their rather considerable knowledge with us are Managing Director Martyn King, and Technical Director Simon Sharman.
Read more »WHYPAY? – More than £500,000 saved in just one month!
Admin 28th September 2016In just one working month, WHYPAY? has collectively saved its users a staggering amount of over £500,000! That is because, unlike almost all conference call providers, WHYPAY? is genuinely, absolutely, emphatically, and unwaveringly free to use. No sneaky sign-up costs, no obscure limits which, when accidentally exceeded, result in devastating charges, no withholding of basic features to coerce you into paying. WHYPAY? is really, really free. Much freer than all those other ‘free’ conference calling services. £500,000 per month freer.
Read more »A brief history of 03 numbers
Admin 28th September 201603 numbers are rooted in a truly positive and benevolent philosophy. They emerged in 2007, introduced by Ofcom, the industry regulator, to enable companies to lower the charges customers faced when trying to get in touch with them. 03 numbers allow private and public businesses and organisations to bear the brunt of the expense. Instead of being charged at a local rate like non-geographic 0845 numbers, or at the national rate like numbers beginning 0870, 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as a standard landline number would be – that is, any 01 or 02 number.
Read more »What do you get if you pay for conference calls?
Admin 26th August 2015Genuinely free conference calling, a ground-breaking service offered by conference bridge WHYPAY? is an irreplaceable and invaluable business tool that you may not realise you are not fully taking advantage of. Even if you don’t work in an office – if you are a teacher, for example, a musician, or even a pastor – there are so many great uses for teleconferencing.
Read more »Anybody familiar with a commute to work – or, in fact, any use of public transport – knows only too well that no matter how unpleasant it may normally seem, it can always get worse. It can get hot. Many commuters rely on crammed, stuffy trains filled with people so impatient and frustrated they practically radiate their own heat. And while using public transport is good for our planet, travelling on a hot train is far from the ideal way to spend the short-lived summer we experience in the UK. Not that cars are much better either, sitting in standstill traffic with the sun beating down on you and baking you in your own vehicle…nobody wants it.
Read more »Can uni students really make use of conference calling?
Admin 30th June 2015For many people, conference calling belongs in the realms of offices and official meetings. But taking this attitude is not only inaccurate, it can mean you lose out a great deal and waste a shed load of potential. For uni students, a group generally interested in communication and staying in the loop, conference calls could have a tonne of great uses.
Study groups
Starting with the academic side of university (something many students perhaps don’t do…) you have the beneficial tradition of study groups. In some universities, these are organised and enforced by professors themselves, while other students choose to form their own study groups to help each other with assignments – in both cases, the results are invariably beneficial.
Read more »We saved callers about £255,000 in May. Here’s how…
Admin 16th June 2015No matter who you are, where you are or what you are doing, saving money is always a good business idea – especially when there is no sacrifice involved. Similarly, conference calling is almost always a great tool for a business person, or even for personal use. So, saving money while using a tool which could hugely improve your business seems like the perfect move. That’s exactly what you can do with WHYPAY?
Read more »We live in a world of ever-growing gadgets, apps and technologies. Nothing stays still, and there are always new services being introduced to us. Currently, there are a number of free business tools that can bring real benefits to those who use them. One of the most vital of these is the conference call, and yes phone conferencing really can be free if the right service provider is used. But its not just about getting your money’s worth, it’s also crucial that services like conference calling are genuinely easy to use. People need efficiency, speed, ease – we are used to these things, and anything that doesn’t meet the necessary standard will quite rightly be abandoned.
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