Learn About Conference Calling


Teleconference Options: Find your perfect solution

By now, we all know how useful conference calls can be, and how they can benefit your business. Given how powerful this simple communications tool is, it’s extremely popular. Plus, as we all try to do our bit to protect the planet, cutting down on commutes is a growing priority.

There are now lots of different teleconference bridges to choose from. Trying to pick from a bunch of teleconference options can become a bit tricky. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by choice, answer the questions below to find which teleconference option is the best fit for you. For those who already know they want to use free conference calls, there are still lots of teleconference options. To get you started, you can look at our round-up of the best free conference call services in the UK.

 1. What is more important to you as you consider teleconference options:
a) reliability and accessibility, or b) sophisticated collaboration tools?

a) reliability and accessibility

Every teleconference is unique, and has its own set of needs. That’s why it’s so great that there are so many teleconference options! The features you’ll want will depend massively on the purpose of the call, and on its participants. If your call is for a simple debrief after an event, or a weekly update with your team, you might not need a lot of fancy tools. You might essentially just be talking, but all or some of your team want to work remotely.

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AdminTeleconference Options: Find your perfect solution

How to dial into a conference call using Skype

In short, it is possible to dial into a conference call using Skype. Your method will vary depending on whether or not everybody on the call uses Skype already. If they don’t, it’s a little trickier. But with Skype credits, you and your guests can still dial into a conference call using Skype!

At WHYPAY?, we know the versatility of conference calls. This is true in a few ways. One important aspect of teleconferencing’s adaptability is the many ways it’s accessible. That’s why a lot of people are curious about how to join a conference call on Skype. If you can access WHYPAY? teleconferences from a mobile or a landline, can you also dial in via Skype? After all, another component of teleconferencing’s versatility is the many alternative conference call providers out there. People want to find the path to teleconferencing that’s most convenient for them and their participants, and for some people, that means they want to dial into a conference call using Skype.

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AdminHow to dial into a conference call using Skype

Conference call number: Genuinely free & reliable options

When it comes to conference call numbers, there is lots of variety. We have the good fortune to be flooded with options in most areas of life, and telecommunications is no exception. There are loads of conference call providers, and different ways of hosting or joining teleconferences. Therefore, to simplify your decision, we try to gauge some of the best services available. Sometimes, it just takes a little nudge to even consider your options if your company has an established call conferencing technique. A lot of people don’t look at alternatives to PowWowNow, for example, because it’s always worked well enough. But trying other services can lead to benefits such as more desirable features, improved easy of use, or clearer connection quality when you’re taking part in a telephone conference.

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AdminConference call number: Genuinely free & reliable options

Digital transformation in the charity sector – where to start

There’s no denying the great work charities are doing across the globe, for all kinds of worthy causes. There’s also no denying that technology can boost these efforts and their effects massively. Yet there persists a serious need for digital transformation in the charity sector. Sadly, it’s an industry which has generally struggled to keep up with digital developments. When you think of just how much charities – and their beneficiaries – can gain by the third sector investing some time and money into newer technologies, it seems a tragedy not to do so. So if you’re ready to embrace digital transformation in the charity sector, read on!

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AdminDigital transformation in the charity sector – where to start

Should you use an 03 phone number for business?

Why should you consider an 03 phone number for business? Running a business means you’re already making a lot of decisions a lot of the time. And each decisions requires you to weigh up different factors. You’re balancing costs, time, demands on your employees, maintaining your brand, and – probably most importantly – customer experience and satisfaction. One key part of providing all-important excellent customer service is ensuring your company is reachable. These days, that’s easily achievable.

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AdminShould you use an 03 phone number for business?

Custom branded conference calls for the ultimate first impression

Personalisation is the word of the moment. In all things, we are leaning into individualism. People are increasingly comfortable with, even encouraged to embrace, the things that make them unique. And in turn, they want the things they have to be unique. Likewise, as markets become saturated and competitive, protecting and promoting your company’s brand is imperative. One step in making a fabulous first impression and ensuring your brand isn’t diluted is to use branded conference calls.

Do first impressions matter?

It might be somewhat of a tired truism to say that you don’t get a second chance at a first impression. But that doesn’t make it any less vital – particularly for businesses. The fact is, first impressions are made in a matter of seconds, but they can have a seriously long-lasting impact. In fact, a Harvard study found that fleeting and silent first impressions moulded people’s permanent feelings.

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AdminCustom branded conference calls for the ultimate first impression

Will voice calls become obsolete?

The past couple of decades have seen more inventions than any age. Speed of development is constantly accelerating, as innovations and ideas build on each other. But this also means we abandon more technology more quickly. As the newest thing is unveiled, it often replaces what came before. Devices and techniques fall to the wayside. With the plethora of communication technology available, will voice calls become obsolete?

Is there cause for concern that voice calls will become obsolete?

Communications technology and fashion – more connected than you think

We all remember the tremendous boom of the Blackberry. In the noughties, it followed flip phones and spy-esque miniature laptops like the LG Vx9900 which fuelled the trend for QWERTY keyboards and helped secure Blackberry’s place as the *it* phone. Celebrities were constantly spotted with them. Even the President of the most powerful country in the world, Barack Obama, publically pledged his allegiance to Blackberry.

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AdminWill voice calls become obsolete?

How to set up a private conference bridge for less than you’d think

Many people want a private conference bridge for their companies. They know how many different uses there are for group phone calls, but they want to be able to access their teleconferences by calling their own unique dial-in number. For some, this sounds like an arduous endeavour. They might think it’s a complicated process to obtain their own private dial-in number. People might even assume a private conference bridge requires special technology, like a conference call phone. Actually, getting a private conference bridge is probably easier – and cheaper – than you think. WHYPAY? can sort you out!

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AdminHow to set up a private conference bridge for less than you’d think

How to moderate a conference call – an easy guide

Given the universally acknowledged usefulness of conference calls for businesses, you probably participate in one on an almost daily basis. In fact, it seems nearly half of all workplace meetings happen via teleconference, according to a Voxbone study. But, as we all know to be true at social events, attending and hosting are often very different experiences. If it’s your first time running the show, it’s natural that you might be unsure about how to moderate a conference call. Luckily, there’s help at hand. Arm yourself with both brilliant tips for planning conference calls and powerful moderation tools, and your participants will be coming to you for advice on how to moderate a conference call.

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AdminHow to moderate a conference call – an easy guide

How to set up a custom conference call greeting

At WHYPAY?, we pride ourselves on our super reliable, high-quality calls. And we know our participants appreciate the reliability of the service too. You only need to glance over Trustpilot to see it! Our reviews often talk about WHYPAY? calls’ simplicity, ease and constancy. But simple and reliable doesn’t have to mean basic, boring or predictable. In fact, WHYPAY? has just had an exciting refresh. Some of these brilliant new features we’ve introduced allow for awesome custom-branding on your conference calls. One effective and easy way to give a strong impression of your organisation is with a custom conference call greeting. Here, we outline how to do just that.

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AdminHow to set up a custom conference call greeting