
How to set up a private conference bridge for less than you’d think

Many people want a private conference bridge for their companies. They know how many different uses there are for group phone calls, but they want to be able to access their teleconferences by calling their own unique dial-in number. For some, this sounds like an arduous endeavour. They might think it’s a complicated process to obtain their own private dial-in number. People might even assume a private conference bridge requires special technology, like a conference call phone. Actually, getting a private conference bridge is probably easier – and cheaper – than you think. WHYPAY? can sort you out!

Why set up a private conference bridge?

If it ain’t broke…

You’re probably already conference calling really frequently. Already, nearly half of all business meetings are conducted via teleconference, and people are contemplating more and more whether they can hold a conference call instead of each meeting. Given how easy teleconferencing is, why complicate matters?

Branding is more than a buzzword

For most, it all comes down to branding. And it makes sense to give it priority. A company’s brand accounts for an average of 19.5% of its worth, sometimes climbing as high as 50%! Think of high-profile examples like Kraft paying a huge $19.5 billion for Cadbury’s. It wasn’t factories that paid for. Not the cocoa or the cream. It wasn’t even chocolatiers or recipes. It was the brand.

As brands are worth so much, and impact customers’ relationships with a company massively, it makes sense to want to strengthen them. And a private conference bridge can help do that. It’s part of making every part of your company and interactions with it unique. It’s your number, which will only ever connect callers to you. It also gives that extra edge of professionalism and prestige. Exclusivity is always desirable!

A private conference bridge can boost callers’ sense of security

At WHYPAY?, we take security really seriously on every teleconference. Conference call rooms can’t be accessed without the unique conference room number and secure PIN. But putting callers at ease from the get-go can only ease communication and make for more open and efficient audio meetings. Assuring your callers that only they have the dial-in number gives extra peace of mind that nobody who wasn’t invited could inadvertently end up on the call (as we’ve said, they couldn’t anyway!).


How to set up your private conference bridge

Now you know why you might want one, let’s think about how to get your private conference bridge. You may already be holding genuinely free conference calls with WHYPAY?. If you’re not, start now by clicking the button below!

Create a FREE Teleconference

That means like so many of our users, you know how reliable our service is. If you’re interested in exciting features like a private conference bridge, you should check out the paid plans which you could upgrade to.

By choosing a Pro subscription for just £8/month, you’ll be automatically assigned your custom 03/01 dial-in number. It’s really that simple. From your side, there’s absolutely nothing to do! Just create your WHYPAY? account and choose the Pro plan. The custom number will be automatically applied to your account.

What does having a private conference bridge look like?

You automatically receive your custom number – so what does that actually mean?

For users with Pro accounts, conference calls will be accessed by dialing a unique, dedicated phone number. This number only leads callers to your teleconferences.

We use 03 numbers for our conference call rooms. That’s because they’re non-geographic, helping maintain that professional branding we’re working to convey. But they also don’t bring the extra charges associated with premium-rate numbers. Instead, charges are the same as for standard geographic numbers. And if callers have minutes in their contract, calls to 03 numbers are free!

But with more and more people working globally, there’s a rise in international teleconferencing. We’ve found that sometimes, people dialing in from abroad have difficulty accessing 03 numbers. That’s why alongside your custom 03 number, Pro users get matching 01 and 02 numbers, too. While there typically aren’t any problems holding international conference calls with 03 numbers, if any do arise, callers can try calling your 01 or 02 number.

Finding your dedicated conference call dial-in number

Once you’ve set up your WHYPAY? account, you’re almost ready to get chatting! All you need to do is schedule your teleconference (or if you’re feeling more spontaneous, reservationless conference calling is easy too). You can send out invitations manually, or WHYPAY? can do it for you. Either way, the first thing attendees need to know is your unique dial-in number – and it is, of course, included in conference invitations. To see what your private conference bridge is, head to your Conference rooms page. But with the ease and usefulness of conference calls, you’ll probably have it memorised in no time. After all, it’s yours – and only yours – for life!

Photo by ROOM on Unsplash
AdminHow to set up a private conference bridge for less than you’d think
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