Saving money can never really be a bad idea, can it? Particularly when you can save without compromising on quality or functionality. And that’s exactly what many happy users have found with WHYPAY?. If your business teleconferences frequently, you too could make savings of £100,000 or more in the next year by switching to WHYPAY?. That would leave you with a very nice sum to put towards crucial components of your business budget.
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When you’re looking for a teleconference service, there’s a lot to think about. And many of us certainly are on the look-out for the perfect teleconference provider. Conference calls are such valuable business tools, but they have all kinds of other uses beyond business, too. Anybody who has ever wanted to speak to more than one person at a time would find group phone calls beneficial. And in the midst of the coronavirus lockdown, conference calls are earning the recognition as the wonderful tools they are. From fighting loneliness during self-quarantine, to continuing education through isolation, as well as helping people to work from home and religious services to run, conference calls are truly proving themselves. That’s why choosing the right teleconference service might be more important than ever. But too many people fall into the trap of incurring unexpected or unnecessary costs by choosing the wrong teleconference service.
Read more »The use of DTMF is prevalent across telephone networks for things such as selecting Interactive Voice Response (IVR) customer service menu choices, entering digits to check your bank account balance or paying a bill, and for accessing conference services like WHYPAY?.
So what is DTMF?
As its name suggests, it is a combination of high and low frequency tones that when selected via a digit on your telephone keypad, transmits the identity of that digit as a pair of frequencies.
Read more »How much are conference call costs from a mobile?
Admin 2nd April 2020Lots of people are curious about how much a conference call costs from a mobile. Here, we’ll look into conference call charges in general, as well as thinking about the cost of a conference call with Vodafone, EE, o2, Virgin Mobile and Three. In short, with the right provider conference calls shouldn’t cost money. They should be included in callers’ bundled minutes, essentially erasing conference call charges.
It’s no wonder so many people want to learn about conference call charges. It’s totally logical, for two key reasons. Firstly, there’s how useful conference calls are. Being so simple and so versatile, conference calls form a big part of many people’s lives. As such, knowing conference call costs from a mobile is important. After all, part of what makes teleconferencing so great is the fact that it is mobile. You should be able to do it from anywhere! And another wonderful aspect is how accessible conference calls are – at least the way WHYPAY? offers them. Most people don’t have fancy conference call phones. Nowadays, many don’t even have landlines. Being able to conference call from a mobile is a brilliant thing. But knowing just how much it will cost you matters too.
Read more »COVID-19 Discount Codes Updated
Admin 24th March 2020As the outbreak of the coronavirus has grown and the government’s restrictions have correspondingly tightened, more and more people have moved to remote work. While we’re happy to be helping so many people with the transition at this uncertain time, the demand for our Pro plan has outstripped the capacity to provide the 03 custom numbers it includes. As a result, we will no longer be able to offer the next 3 months free on the Pro plan.
Nevertheless, the new discount codes PLUSMONTHLYTILJULY and PLUSANNUALTILJULY will replace the previous codes so that users can still sign up to the Plus plan at no cost until July, making tonnes of brilliant features available. That way, newly remote workers and seasoned telecommuters alike will be able to work efficiently from home during self-isolation without having to pay a penny.
Note: this offer does not apply to our ‘Go Large’ add-ons.
Read more »Distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic: continuing education during quarantine
Admin 19th March 2020Distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic has been pushed to the forefront of many minds ahead the blanket closure of UK schools this Friday. It comes as universities in the country also suspend face-to-face learning. And while the severity of the situation extends far beyond education, and teachers’, students’ and families’ wellbeings are the priority, trying to continue education during quarantine is an important challenge. There are all kinds of factors at play here. But sometimes, the simplest solution turns out to be the one that can fix it all. As teachers try to provide distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic, they might find conference calls to be the perfect tool.
Read more »Many are facing Internet issues during the coronavirus outbreak. Just today, news has broken that Virgin Media is experiencing network outages. And that’s by no means the only network experiencing issues. Some users have even reported their broadband capacity halving. This isn’t surprising with the swelling demand as more and more people switch to remote work in a move toward social-distancing or self-isolation. Even Whatsapp and Facebook have been affected, with their servers being described as having gone into ‘melt down’, and Zuckerberg forced to increase their capacity.
The stickiness of the situation becomes clearer when you think of the UK’s Internet infrastructure. While countries like Korea and China have heavily invested in fibre and 5G networks, much of the UK depends on local networks of copper wires. These are far less reliable. In fact, according to the Financial Times, more than 80% of Korea and Japan’s fixed line connections are high-speed fibre. In Britain, only 10% of fixed line connections qualify. That makes us one of the lowest in the OECD.
Read more »Fighting loneliness during self-isolation: stay in touch through the COVID-19 pandemic with free conference calls
Admin 16th March 2020Fighting loneliness during self-isolation is becoming a growing concern as the coronavirus crisis mounts. Governments in Spain, France and Italy have already imposed strict social distancing measures. In Spain, most people have been restricted to their own homes except to visit a medical professional, buy medicine or visit their nearest shop. Meanwhile, French cinemas, cafes, shops and other venues have closed and the public urged to remain home. Italians have been on lockdown for days. Here in the UK, it is expected that over-70s will soon be instructed to self-quarantine, too, reportedly for an extended period of time. For a social group whose health and wellbeing have for decades been undermined by isolation and solitude, loneliness during self-isolation may be a daunting thought. Luckily, there are ways for families and loved ones to stay in touch.
Read more »COVID-19: we’re waiving subscription charges
Admin 12th March 2020Update 24 March 2020: Unfortunately, due to network capacity dimensioning we are no longer able to offer 3 months free on the Pro plan. A tenfold increase in demand for the custom 03 numbers offered on the Pro plan has outstripped our ability to supply these. The new discount codes PLUSMONTHLY2JULY and PLUSANNUAL2JULY are still valid and offer the Plus plan completely free until July.
As the government encourages people to work from home to contain the spread of Coronavirus we’ve seen a significant uplift in conference calls here at WHYPAY?. We think people have enough to worry about right now, so we’re waiving paid subscription charges for the next three months! We know our service and its advanced features like call recording, moderator controls and custom branding can offer real value to disrupted teams, so we’re doing our little bit to help.
Read more »Coronavirus: How to work from home successfully
Admin 4th March 2020In the past few weeks, the outbreak of coronavirus has become an increasingly severe and tragic concern. NHS England has in the past few hours declared it a level four incident, which is the highest level in emergency planning. As a result, the government has encouraged people to work from home. With many being advised to self-isolate to reduce the spread of coronavirus, and people wanting to minimise contact and risk, remote working does seem like the sensible choice. But while remote working has certainly grown in popularity in recent years, it’s not familiar territory to all. If you want to find out about how you can maintain productivity when working from home, read on.
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