
International conference call? Tips for the organiser

Multinationals and other international organisations with offices around the globe require cost effective ways to communicate with each other on a regular basis. Hosting regular meetings and conferences where everyone gathers at a specific location is virtually impossible due to the high costs involved in travel and other related expenses. Lack of communication can be detrimental to an organisation as well. To overcome these drawbacks, teleconferencing is an ideal alternative. Hosting international conference calls through teleconference services providers like WHYPAY? is among the best solutions where conference calls can be held at an affordable rate.

Providers of teleconferencing services like WHYPAY? allow you to host up to 50 virtual conference rooms and host instant and hassle free conference calls at any time of the day or night. So, even if your employees are in three separate continents, hosting an international teleconference isn’t difficult at all. In order to ensure that the teleconference gets off to a good start you need to find a time that works for everyone.

Being in different time zones, it is important to find an appropriate time where all the participants are able to attend. In addition, it is essential to stick to the scheduled time and wrap up the meeting as scheduled as well. Any delay could cause an inconvenience to a few of the participants.

When organising an international conference call , it is important to have a well laid out agenda with the outline provided to participants in advance. This enables you to get right down to business when the teleconference begins and you can move smoothly through the prepared agenda. Any concerns about the agenda must be addressed before the actual teleconference. While preparing the agenda, it is prudent to set aside time for questions and concerns that participants may have. They may also want to bring up other important issues relevant to the agenda.

Prior to starting the international conference call, it is important to run a few tests to make sure the equipment from the provider of teleconference services functions properly. International conference calls differ from domestic conference calls. Each country has its own dialling convention, so you need to check with your teleconferencing services provider about the codes needed to make an international conference call. If there are participants with potential language and cultural barriers, it is wise to research about the business etiquette followed in their respective country so that you are aware of the kind of approach you can make when addressing such participants.

AdminInternational conference call? Tips for the organiser
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