
Group email VS conference calling

Call conferencing has become one of the most popular means of business communication. Just a few years ago, only big companies who had the financial capacity to buy and install expensive equipment could consider using conferencing services. But now technology has advanced and made conference call services affordable even to small businesses and individuals. Teleconferencing service providers offer many conferencing solutions which you can choose from according to your specific needs.

If you have been used to sending group emails, you may think that an email may also serve the purpose of communicating with many people simultaneously. An email also allows interaction between the communicating members. So what is the difference between telephone conferencing and emails other than the obvious fact that while phone conferencing you get to hear and speak to others? What makes a conference call better than a group email?

Both voice conferences and group emails have their advantages and disadvantages. Email is suitable when the discussion does not have a time constraint. Teleconferencing is better when several things have to be discussed and decisions have to be made quick. A conference bridge can host hundreds of people at the same time. So there is practically no restriction on the number of people you can teleconference with to ensure everybody’s view is considered.

Email discussions also allow certain people to be passive readers. They are just copied to keep them in the loop whereas the crux of the discussion is handled by just a few people. If all participating members have to be equally involved, a conference call is better than a group email.

Both call conferencing and group emails are accepted as effective means of communicating electronically. Conference calls these days can be made from anywhere; you need not be bound to your office desk next to a fixed line to dial into a teleconference. You can participate in a conference call even from your mobile phone. The access and mobility is therefore higher than that of an email. To read and respond to emails you need to have access to a connected computer or smart phone.

On a conference call, there is the advantage of emotional expression through the nuances of voice. It is easy to mistake the tone of written communication. Conference calls are also hands free. They facilitate faster, easier and more natural participation from all participants.

AdminGroup email VS conference calling
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