Today the popularity of teleconferencing has reached an unprecedented height. A conference call can cut down costs, yield more productivity, bring geographically removed people closer, and even be used as a training tool for educational purposes. With the competent technology and the better features that the service providers bring to the scene, teleconferencing services have grown to encompass a wider variety of services, like web seminars and recording employee exit interviews.
Phone conferencing can advantageously affect a company’s growth and expansion because an employee can conduct businesses or make a sales presentation to a group of people in another part of the world, without even having to leave the office. Of the many new applications for conference calls, this article takes a look at how teleconference services can be helpful in recording an employee exit interview.
Conducting the interview
An exit interview is basically a way of determining why an employee decides to leave a corporation voluntarily. Conducted usually by the human resources managers of a company, an exit interview is an extremely informative way to get a feedback as to the corporation’s shortcomings or lacks. It could throw the light as to why an employee felt he had to leave the company, any concerns of his that could be rectified etc. With the invaluable data of this kind, the company can take steps to retain employees and improve the working conditions of existing employees. Usually performed by am HR manager, the employee is asked to fill out a questionnaire, which includes questions like: why did you choose to leave the job, were the working conditions adequate etc.
Introducing conference calls in exit interviews
Obviously, an exit interview conducted on paper reveals a lot about the company’s standards, which means that there is also the risk of it falling into the wrong hands. This might adversely affect a departing employee or the company themselves. However, teleconferencing on an exit interview ensures that the employee data comes to the company’s direct attention. Having a group of experienced advisors on panel conduct a phone-conference is a sure way of avoiding pitfalls and even promoting goodwill between the employers and the employee. There are other aspects too. Recording a phone-conference held with the company’s attorney is an excellent way to counter any litigation that may be filed against the company later. A recorded conversation in which facts are frankly discussed can be used as evidence in court, if need arises.