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If you don’t have a WHYPAY? account, why not create one now to access a whole host of FREE features? Registration is quick and easy and will allow you to:
- Create a free, permanent conference room, available 24/7;
- Schedule conferences and set their recurrence;
- Invite up to 50 participants and attach meeting notes;
- View your conference call history.
Need even more? Check out the additional features available on our low cost plans.
Your WHYPAY? account allows you to add multiple conference organisers. Each new organiser is automatically assigned one conference room and will receive an email inviting them to view their conference details, manage conference settings and schedule conference calls. Organisers only have access to the one room, and cannot create additional conference rooms on your account.
There are currently no organisers on your account.
Add organiser
Organiser | Actions |
editrefreshdelete |
You currently have no rooms
Add your first room
You are not currently a participant in any other WHYPAY? user’s conference rooms.
If you are added to any in the future (using the email address you use to log in to WHYPAY?), they will appear here
» Money saved to date: test «
Room details
Room number: #
PIN: #
Moderator PIN: #
International accessModerator required
Participant announcements
Muting mode
Waiting music
Call recording
Conference date/time
Local date/time
Scheduled duration
This room hasn’t been used for conferences yet. Conferences that have taken place will appear here, along with a recording (if available).
Start time | Duration | Max. participants | Recording |